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  • Writer's pictureDr Dodul Mondal

How to prevent Head and Neck Cancer?

Some things can make you more likely to get head and neck cancer. These are using tobacco, drinking alcohol, and getting infected with a virus called HPV. But not everyone who gets this cancer has these risk factors. Sometimes, we don't know why the cancer happens.


Tobacco use covers both smoking and using snuff or chewing tobacco. Being around secondhand smoke can also raise your chances of getting head and neck cancer.

If you smoke or use tobacco, you can lower your risk of head and neck cancer, as well as the risk to people near you, by quitting now. Even if you've been diagnosed with throat cancer or are receiving treatment, it's still a good time to stop.


Consuming alcohol is a significant factor that increases the risk of head and neck cancer.

Tobacco and Alcohol Combined

When you use both tobacco and alcohol, your risk of head and neck cancer goes up even more compared to using just one of them. Research has found that folks who use both tobacco and alcohol together have a much higher chance of getting mouth cancer compared to those who only smoke or drink. According to the National Institutes of Health, using nicotine and alcohol together is responsible for about 80 percent of mouth cancer in men and roughly 65 percent of mouth cancer in women.

HPV 16 and HPV 18

You often hear about the human papillomavirus (HPV) in relation to cervical cancer, but it's also strongly linked to head and neck cancer, especially when it starts in the middle of the throat (oropharynx). Surprisingly, HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer is growing fast as a type of head and neck cancer in the United States.

Your risk of getting HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer depends partly on the type of HPV you come into contact with. Some types lead to warts on the skin, mouth, or genitals and rarely cause cancer. Others are riskier, having a stronger connection to cancer. The two strains most often associated with head and neck cancer are HPV 16 and, less commonly, HPV 18.

The good news is that for most people, even those with the riskier HPV types, the body can usually clear the infection by itself. Unfortunately, there's no sure way to tell who among those with HPV 16 or 18 will develop cancer.

Radiation Exposure

Having a past of receiving radiation to the head and neck area raises the chances of developing salivary gland cancer and thyroid cancer.


Certain cancers, such as those starting in the mouth, can develop slowly over time. For instance, the majority of individuals diagnosed with mouth cancer are typically older than 40, with the average age of diagnosis being around 60.

In contrast, individuals with HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer are often younger when diagnosed.

Ultraviolet Light

People who spend time in the sun are at a higher risk of developing lip cancer and skin cancer. Using tanning beds can also raise the chances of getting lip cancer.

Other Head and Neck Cancer Risk Factors

There are other things that might make you more likely to get head and neck cancer. These include:

1. Not eating enough fruits and vegetables

2. Eating a lot of salt-cured fish and meat

3. Having a condition called Plummer-Vinson syndrome

4. Being exposed to the Epstein-Barr virus

5. Having Asian heritage

6. Drinking yerba mate, a caffeinated drink from South America

7. Not taking good care of your teeth and mouth

8. Being exposed to certain things at work, like asbestos, wood dust, nickel alloy dust, and silica dust

9. Having a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

10. Having a weakened immune system

11. Getting graft versus host disease, which can happen after a stem cell transplant

12. Having lichen planus, a disease that can affect the skin

13. Having certain genetic syndromes, like Fanconi anemia and dyskeratosis congenital

Ways to Prevent Head and Neck Cancer

To lower your risk of head and neck cancer, consider these important steps:

1. If you smoke or use tobacco, seek support from a tobacco cessation program, such as the one available at MSK, to quit.

2. If you consume alcohol, do it in moderation.

3. Protect yourself from HPV infection by practicing safe sex and getting the HPV vaccine.

4. Avoid tanning beds and limit prolonged sun exposure.

5. Use a protective face mask when exposed to harmful fumes and dust. Employers can install air-filtration systems to reduce employees' exposure to dangerous substances.

Head and Neck Cancer Screening

Cancer screening means the check-ups that doctors suggest to find cancer before you notice any symptoms. The goal is to catch cancer early when it's most treatable. You can get yourself screened by a head and neck cancer specialist. If in Delhi then you can consult Dr. Dodul Mondal who is a Head and Neck Cancer Doctor in Delhi.

Currently, there isn't a proven method to screen for head and neck cancer that improves survival. Nevertheless, For a head and neck cancer check-up, you should consult with Dr. Dodul Mondal, one of the best oncologists in Delhi NCR who specializes in head and neck cancer. He can provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information and recommendations for your specific needs and concerns.

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